Wednesday, July 17, 2013

7.17.13 Laughable Wednesday

7.17.13 Laughable Wednesday

I was lucky enough to grow up during the 90's, mainly because Lion King was released June 15, 1994. It's one of those movies you watched over, and over, and over again when you were little. And your parents didn't mind watching it with you because it had a pretty kick-ass soundtrack, featuring music from Elton John (no wonder I grew up to have impeccable taste in music). People who grew up watching Lion King are still in love with this movie, as you can tell by these pictures:

I might come up with a tutorial to make this shirt, or if you just can't wait, you can buy it for $33.99 at

I think this one would be easier to make, but you can buy this one as well for $26 at
Anyway, so I found this video and it made me laugh. It's an animated version of Lion King bloopers. Most of them are the original audio bloopers that were later animated. Some I think were added just for fun. So without further adieu, here it is:

Happy Laughable Wedesnday! Hope this helps you get through you week!

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